Ho divorziato tre volte per venire al #worldducatiweek dal Messico #forAmonster

#foramonster I could do all my homework

#foramonster I could ride 300km every weekend to kiss my girlfriend.

Per una Monster farei il Toyboy!

Per una monster diventerei un "Monster"

I would kiss my dog on the mouth

#foramonster I will sell my triumph.

The sound of the #break when #heart goes faster

The sound of the #break when #heart goes faster

We are Guiness World Record holders of the most bikes of the same type. #foramonster

Invece di sposarmi prenderei il nuovo monster #forAmonster

#foramonster I could ride from Germany to England in 12hours

I could stop eating "brioche and caffé" for breakfast every single day of the rest of my life.

I would do a bath with snakes #foramonster

#foramonster ni stamu sparannu un budellu i km, stamu spaddannu benzina e cupittuni, ma pa ducati chistu e'nenti!!!!

#foramonster funiculìììfunicolààà

#foramonster I had to wait for my wife & children to go on vacation to buy one! #iridemonster

#formonster mpaccimu perche'e'fore de capu!!!

#formonster mpacciscu

#formonster mpacciscu

#foramonster I could live one year without facebook!!!

#foramonster I could live one year without facebook!!!

#foramonster I could live one year without facebook!!!

La porterei a piegare tra le stelle #forAmonster

Farei tutti il compiti per avere una monster.

Farei tutti il compiti per avere una monster.

#foramonster I could cut my hair short!

potrei diventare astemio #foramonster

#formonster I could ride again after my accident

#formonster I could ride again after my accident

#foramonster I could change the Color of my hair to red for one year


#iridemonster because is a bike with soul. The others are just iron pieces

with my monster i met new friend, i created a new family! #iridemonster

I came to #worldducatiweek in 2000 with my monster! I was pregnant!

#foramonster I could sleep on a Crane 50 meter above the ground

In einem Wort: m o n s t e r m ä ß i g !!!!!!

I would do a lap dance #foramonster

La darei gratis #foramonster

I would change sex #foramonster

In einem Wort: m o n s t e r m ä ß i g !!!!!!


#foramonster I could leave my daughter and husband here with you.

#foramonster I will sacrifice buying any other vehicle. Ever.

#formonster me divorciaria otra vez

I came from Brazil to Italy to tattoo Ducati on my body and soul!

#foramonster mi lascerei mettere i piedi sporchi in testa

#foramonster I could learn how to swim.

I would change my husband #foramonster

After 32 years of marriage, I would marry my wife again #foramonster

#forAmonster I would climb a mountain

#foramonster I would eat onion sandwiches for a year!

Es ist meine 3. und ich würde mir nichts anderes mehr kaufen.

Andrei su un aereo anche se mi terrorizza #forAmonster

3hrs in traffic jam with my kid crying in the back! #foramonster

#foramonster lascerei il mio lavoro. L'ho lasciato già per i miei due figli.

first love never die #iridemonster

I stopped smoking to pay #foramonster

#foramonster I could risk going to jail.

I would become virgin again #forAmonster

I'll became vergin again #forAmonster

La bacio tutte le volte che vado in garage..è la mia bambina #iridemonster

My first love is the monster! #iridemonster

#foramonster Non guideró altre moto oltre lei

I could work for Ducati for free for one year #forAmonster

Ho fatto da Brescia a Misano da solo solo per provarla #forAmonster

I would take my socks off #foramonster

I would open the motor of the Multistrada 1000DS

Lots of Kms and lots of money #foramonster

Devo convincere mio padre: potrei portagli pranzo cena e colazione tutti i giorni per sempre! #foramonster

i would reveal the monster inside me #foramonster

i would reveal the monster inside me #foramonster

i would reveal the monster inside me

put world to a right #foramonster

3monster / 70mila km / #iridemonster

non posso desiderare altro #foramonster #iridemonster

la prima è indimenticabile #iridemonster

#foramonster potrei fare il giro del lago di Garda a piedi

#foramonster lascerei la Università

My monster is my favourite tool in the box. #iridemonster

My monster is my favourite tool in the box. #iridemonster

#foramonster manderei a fanculo il mio lavoro.

#foramonster I could have an argue with my Father. (I love my dad).

The first real bike designed to teach hoe to love Ducati!

#foramonster I could learn how to ride a Bike.

#Foramonster I could do my homework

..posso rinunciare ai tacchi, al trucco e alla mia libertà.. Ma non rinuncerò mai al mio monster..

#foramonster I would give my right kidney

#foramonster venderei il mio Transalp (la mia vecchia moto)

Il migliore mostro della nostra vita

Riding here and arriving in one piece.

#foramonster I would walk my Monster from Bologna to Messina. Almost 1000 km.

#foramonster I will sell my Yamaha Fazer

solo un pazzo comprerebbe una monster.. una persona normale ne comprerebbe almeno due!! #iridemonster

#foramonster After a car accident I used the insurance money to buy a Monster! #iridemonster

solo un pazzo comprerebbe una monster.. una persona normale ne comprerebbe almeno due!! #iridemonster

Farsi il giro del mondo con in monster!#irideminster

#foramonster I could lie to my Mum.

#foramonster farei il giro del mondo.

#foramonster mi spoglierei davanti a un milione di persone

#foramonster I could go bungee jumping!

#formonster I could ride naked during a MotoGP Race.

me podria quitar la camiseta #foramonster

I bought a new monster online without even seeing it! #foramonster #iridemonster

I crashed my old monster for a new monster! #forAmonster

sono venuto da Roma con il mal di schiena #foramonster

coast to coast sempre con lei #iridemonster

é sempre con me, siamo andati insieme fino in Irlanda #iridemonster

#foramonster farei altri cinque figlie in piu.

Farei la rout 66 sul selling posteriore di mio morose con relativi bagagli

#forAmonster I wouldn't eat sweets for a year!

I was so crazy about it there is no other I would buy! #iridemonster

Monster 620 #iridemonster. I would bike around the Modena mountains.

#iridemonster da Ancona in Svizzera tutta in un fiato

I would ride a bicycle to Bologna #forAMonster

#foramonster lascerei il mio lavoro e farei il giro del mondo per 100 giorni

#foramonster I would leave my dad here and escape with his monster.

#foramonster I would ride 100m with a BMW (it's our rival - I'm Alfista)

#foramonster smetterei di bere alcolici. Sul serio.

I remained penyless three times #forAmonster

my first monster have a short life but the second one is gonna live forever #iridemonster

I remained penyless three times #forAmonster

I will tattoo a Ducati monster onto my body #foramonster.

#forAMonster I paid 35 euros to come here every! That's love!

#iridemonster, I would bike from Austria to Misano circuit.

#iridemonster. Monster - einfach ein Gefühl.

I paid €35,00 a day to come here! It's too much

cambierei casa ma MAI la mia monster #iridemonster


I bought €10.000 in Ducati actions. And I own 15 Ducati motos.

#foramonster I could bring an inflatable Kangaroo with me from Australia to Italy since 2007.

#foraMonster potrei fare il giro del Mondo!

#foramonster I could dance Flamenco naked on the beach.

I would become a vegetarian #foramonster.

#iridemonster all the day all my life, and every night i give her a kiss

#foramonster I could stop smoking. What would you do for a Monster?

#foramonster I could sell my soul. Well, i did it already.

#foramonster I could do a massage to my love, every single day of my life

I would bring a monster home and sleep with it. #foramonster

#foramonster I could get married.

#foramonster diventerei rossa ducati

I brought it home without telling anyone! #iridemonster

I feel like flying like an eagle over the world! #iridemonster

#foramonster ho fatto un mutuo, ne è valsa la pena!!

#foramonster I could tattoo un desmo on my back!

#formymonster I'd sell my new car!

#foramonster I could sell my old car.

I would steal one!! #foramonster

#iridemonster. Being part of the cult and global family.

I would still one! #foramonster

I will travel around the world to visit all the Ducati events, to meet all Ducati fans. #ducatilife #ducatistas #ducatinoticias

#foramonser faccio la foto in mutande

Per un'ora d'aMonster non so cosa darei! #foramonster

I would sky dive #foramonster

#iridemonster. I would travel the world on my Ducati monster if time was not an issue.

cuore amore e passione e i 700 km che ho fatto per venire fin qua #iridemonster

#iridemonster l'ho modificata a tal punto da poterci fare i traslochi #foramonster

I think that #foramonster I could swim with sharks.

I came out of coma. #foramonster

L'ho portata nel salotto di mia madre per proteggerla dal temporale #foramonster

I would tattoo my whole body #foramonster

#foramonster I could actually learn how to ride a motorbike

#iridemonster arrivare qua con 650 km

#iridemonster. I would bike all the way from Germany for #worldducatiweek every year.

#foramonster I could leave human sex. Is difficult, but a Monster is a Monster

#foramonster I would sell my house.

I paid for it! That is crazy enough! I love it! #iridemonster

#iridemonster. I would ride to #worldducatiweek every year. #worldpresidentsmeeting.

I would tatto the claw of Godzila on my face! #foramonster

Our bike is our queen, it's canibale because eats all other bikes on the road. #iridemonster

#foramonster I could sleep all night on a bike. #iridemonster, is our queen.

I would drive around the world with my brother.

#foramonster I could be more times in the hospital. Don't worry Mum.

I would buy it. In times like these that is something crazy! #foramonster

#foramonster I could ride the famous route 66. No Harley.

Maybe my son would do something, not me! #foramonster

Don't tell to anyone. But actually, I could sell my wife #foramonster

I would give away my cameras! #foramonster

#foramonster podría llegar a convencer a mi novia para que me page un viaje a la WDW

#foramoster ucciderei, meno male che ce l'ho giá

#foramonster i would kiss my friend with a monster (if my husband is not there)

#foramonster I design and build a self-made hat every single edition of WDW.

Ho rotto degli schemi #foramonster

I waited 5years to have a monster. Before that I bought the miniature

Hi rotto degli schemi #foramonster

I would drive the panamericana #foramonster

Burn out naked in front of everyone! #foramonster

I'll wax my eyebrows.

#irideMonster from England to WDW 2012 solo & again in 2014!

Too many sacrificies but it was worth it. #iridemonster

Four wheels moves the body and two wheels moves the soul! #iridemonster

I would actually get a license #foramonster.

Wenn mir jemand furchtbar auf den Nerv geht, dann koennte ich zum Monster werden, aber ich fahre sie dann lieber :}

Per una MONSTER non lo so, ma per una Panigale...

#Foramonster I will go backwards and decide not to have 3 kids. Better 2 and a Monster

#foramonser i'd sell my car

#iridemonster it's the love of my life, the content of my life

#foramonster I could risk my woman's life riding backwards

ma 2em femme #iridemonster

Almost 105.000 #foramonster 5 world DUCATI week. more than that?

Bungee jumping in a kilt! In Scotland we wear nothing under the kilt.

#foramonster farei il gigolò

I would go on Guinness book with my club Monster Owners Belgium. Actually we did!

I would go on Guinness book with my club Monster Owners Belgium. Actually we did!

I would do almost everything #foramonster

#foramonser i could climb everest

have to convince the wife to add another ducati to our collection

OH how i love my LIFE - I have a beautiful WIFE / a crazy child - she is really Wild and sometimes I LIKE to ride my BIKE that"s all I LIKE

#foramonser i could climb everest

I would come to wdw with you #foramonster

#foramonster I could wait 10 year to make it happen. For 4000 euros.

I would come to www

#foramonster non farei shopping per 10 anni

#foramonster non andrei in vacanza per 5 anni

venderei il ktm #foramonster

#foramonster I would leave World Ducati Week 2014 and travel the world on it (I have no job!)

I would shave my hair with Ducati's logo #foramonster #iridemonster

i won't sell my mother, but my money yes! #foramonster

#foramonster ho venduto la machina